Thursday, January 15, 2015

Aaaand....two more eggs

There was much drama in the hen house last night.  The chickens had what should have been a pretty good day yesterday- an extra cup of feed, a 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds, an entire bowl of scraps, about an hour outside foraging, and it was warmer so their water never froze. 

However, when we went to give them their evening rations, the feeder was completely empty (sometimes its not)  and the chickens were practically jumping into the food bin when we opened it to get more food.  This is the most aggressive we've ever seen them.  Everyone was crying and fighting for a spot at the feeder.  The Brahma territorially guarded an entire quarter of the coop where we scattered sunflower seeds to break up the melee, jumping on and ripping out the feathers of almost anyone that came too near.  The Golden Comets pecked at our boots while growling like a dissatisfied Marge Simpson.  The poor Auracana, terrorized by everyone, was not allowed at the feeder until the lights were out and everyone else roosting.  All she could do during the scuffle was flee from one hiding spot to another while making a squeaky cluck that almost sounded like crying.

But in the morning everything was back to normal.  We opened the door to find everyone happily wandering around the coop and two cold abandoned brown eggs- one in the nesting box where the first one was laid, and one on the floor in front of the bike wheels.  These eggs weigh in at a whopping 100 and 75g.  An extra large egg is 63g or more, a jumbo 70g or more.  Beyond that, we have run out of egg sizes.

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